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      <p ns="0" title="Cost-benefit-analysis: case study from Lower Medjerda Valley/Tunisia" snippet="already been grown by farmers for a long time, meaning that no new crops have been introduced by the modernization project. For the economic analysis&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="11190" wordcount="1608" timestamp="2014-10-20T10:20:59Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="EU&#039;s water privatization plans – Benefits and downsides of privatizing a public good" snippet="sound economics are used in water management, meaning that water services are provided at fair and also reasonable rates. The past example of England&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="19710" wordcount="2881" timestamp="2014-03-11T13:20:00Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Climate change and agriculture: The example of Guatemala" snippet="trends is that the soil has lost organic matter, meaning it cannot hold as much rainwater as before. That causes springs to shrink or dry up completely&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="4500" wordcount="665" timestamp="2016-05-25T07:33:46Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture" snippet="of GHG is related to its production process meaning the way of manufacture and cultivation. However, bioenergy generated from agriculture may be&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="9041" wordcount="1349" timestamp="2015-07-07T12:48:01Z" />